Stories, events and life in general from Miss Kitty's point of view


Your 2011 Calendar has arrived!

“You know dad, you lost track of time again. Decorations around the house, then last night sending out individual Christmas emails and now you are twenty-three hours late posting the final printer version of my calendar bookmarks. You had promised that you would do it Christmas Eve, so what do you have to say for yourself? Typical, no response, just a dumb founded look on his face! Did you at least get me something for Christmas?”

“So now you think a nice dinner, followed by a scalp message and a tummy rub is going to make up for your blunder . . .            well . . .     I guess so, but you better work fast, there are less than three hours remaining before Christmas Day starts here on the Pacific Coast.”

Wishing all creatures, great or small, including humans,
good tidings this holiday season. May your home be filled
with the warmth of laughter, the company of family and
good friends, sharing food and love.

We requested from the humans that each winning feline have a few words written about them to accompany their individual picture and without further delay Alexandra writes not only in English but also for her German speaking audience.

One day Noah just came out of the woods. For days he sneaked around in our garden and stole our old cat lady Jazz’s food from her bowl. It was impossible to get even a few steps close or to even touch him and due to his behavior, we believed he did not have a home. We asked around in the neighborhood but nobody know him, so we started to feed him. Through the feeding we managed to gain his confidence. Step after step we were allowed to approach closer, until the day (after 2 month, I will never forget it) when I managed to touch him. At this time it was just as if a dam had broken, he couldn't get enough of being stroking. Finally we managed to cage him and bring him to the animal doctor to see whether he was wearing a chip to see if he belonged to someone or not. We contacted animal welfare in case his owner might be looking for him, but nobody called and at the end we decided to adopt and give him a home. Since he has rewarded us with an incredible amount of love. He's a clown who likes to play hide-and-seek or catch, he comes along when we're clapping in our hands but he also likes just to take a nap on the knees of his humans. Noah has helped us over the difficult time when we had to let go our old cat lady Jazz when she crossed over the rainbow bridge. With his humor and his nonsense he made us laugh wiping away our tears. He's really a special guy. 

Noah kam einiges Tages aus dem Wald, schlich tagelang in unserem Garten herum, klaute der alten Katzendame Jazz ihr Futter, berühren oder gar ein paar Schritte auf ihn zugehen konnte man nicht. Sein Verhalten liess uns vermuten, dass er kein Zuhause hatte. Wir haben in der Nachbarschaft herum gefragt und schliesslich begonnen ihn zu füttern. Durch die Fütterung gewannen wir wohl sein Vertrauen. Schritt um Schritt durften wir näher an ihn heran, bis wir ihn endlich berühren durften und dann schien wie ein Damm gebrochen, er konnte vom Streicheln nicht genug bekommen und kroch fast in einem hinein. Wir konnten ihn schliesslich einfangen und brachten ihm zum Tierarzt um sicher zu sein, dass er nicht doch einen Chip trug und jemandem gehörte. Auch eine Ausschreibung beim Tierschutz liess seine Besitzer nicht auftauchen, so haben wir ihn schlussendlich adoptiert und er dankt es uns mit unglaublich viel Liebe. Er ist ein kleiner Clown, mit dem man Verstecken und Fangen spielen kann, der auf Klatschen angerannt kommt, Männchen macht, einfach zufrieden bei seinen Menschen sich für ein Schläfchen einkugeln kann und schlicht und ergreifend zum Knuddeln ist. Noah hat uns aber auch sehr geholfen, als wir unsere alte Katze Jazz erlösen mussten. Mit seinem Kabriolen und seinem Humor hat er uns das Lachen zurück gebracht. Er ist ein ganz besonderer Typ.

Tiny Johnson, also referred to as Johnny

His human mum Trish writes:

Sweet Johnny; a gentle, giant, twenty-pound tabby with the world's most petite "meow".
You are the peacemaker in the house, the big bed warmer, and you eat absolutely anything, at least once.
Nothing makes you happier than your squeaky mouse, unless it's a tummy rub.
Just a tiny bit cross-eyed, you prefer you mighty paws on the floor, no heights for you . . . 
unless it's to be picked up for a nice cuddle.

When you look at the picture of Mr Puddy you can understand when his mum  writes only a few words:

Mr Puddy is an Aussie Cat who chose a forever home by himself.

For downloadable PRINTER version, click here and enjoy

So lets have a round of an applause for not only the winners but also for all those who had entered.

Very soon we will announce part two of the calendar photo contest for the months of April, May and June. So get those trigger fingers active by taking pictures, as we know you love doing this, just remember large file size and if possible vertical format and make sure everyone is having a good time.

We would also like to welcome and acknowledge several new followers to our blog 

Sondra, a blogger with multiple excellent blogs, is a friend of dad's and when you have a look at her sites, there is something familiar about the blogs background, they're dad's textures.

Eva Macie, also an artist friend of dads; her blog A Creative Life is where she shares her art and artistic process.

Luna and Luzie, a blog featuring three cats and you should know it is bi-lingual. Now is that not great! By the way, Luna and Luzie, dad is aware he has yet to press the ‘follower’ button on your blog and said he promises to do so.

Then there is The Old Geezer, yap, that’s what he calls himself. We love his quote on his masthead, it reads “Old age ain’t for sissies! — Do not resent growing old . . .  Many are denied the privilege.”

Over at Margarida e os Animals from Portugal, her latest post  is of a deer grooming a cat and then the cat returning the favor. A must see to believe.

Caren Gittleman and Piras sadly do not have a link back to their blogs so that we can learn more about them or even join their site. So if you are reading this, please send us an email with your link and we will be most happy that you did so.
May I have not forgotten to mention anyone else.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and that all the felines found extra treats and extra helping of good food in their bowls, besides lots of loving. See you in January 2011. 

Now I can take a much needed long nap.


Sparkle said...

Your calendar, and your card, are gorgeous! Merry Christmas to you.

weaverpat said...

Dear Miss Kitty,
Merry Christmas!
You are doing an excellent job of nudging Dad in the right direction. Thank You! We have downloaded our bookmarks and Mom will be printing them shortly. We're having Mom make an extra set so we can play with them too.
Your Dad provided you with a most beautiful tree. We are envious of all the shiny glittery toys you can look at and maybe jiggle a little with your paw.
We hope your day is filled with yummy treats, sweet cat dreams and people who gently love you!

Best Wishes,
Deiter, Tipper, Izzy, Penny Reggie (and Mom and Dad)

P.S. Mom finally found your slide show way at the bottom of your blog and left us watch it. You are such a lovely girl!

meowmeowmans said...

A lovely and thoughtful post, as always, Miss Kitty and Dad Egmont. We wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas, and thank you for your friednship, which we cherish!

lupie said...

Our mom too 'loss track of time' and posted a simple "Merry Christmas" wish in 'red', no photos or whatsoever!!! Your daddy is much better!!!

Here's us wishing all of you, a very blessed Merry Christmas!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Miss Kitty, Merry Christmas to you and your Dad! We very much enjoyed your Christmas tree card. Mommy purchased special heavy photo paper to print our calendar on; and she has an entry in mind for the next contest, too!

Love, your pals at the Katnip Lounge, and MommyKat Trish

Jans Funny Farm said...

The photos are beautiful. We just love Mr Puddy. He does look independent and it's no wonder he chose his own home. :)

Annie Bear said...

It was nice to read about the kitties that won the photo contest.

Merry Christmas, Miss Kitty and Dad! Your card is beautiful!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Dear Miss Kitty and Dad (Egmont),

I want to wish you both a wonderful, fun filled, dry, safe, and warm Christmas. I know I'm a bit late, but I've been gone. I left both my computer and Bleubeard behind to fend for themselves. The computer shut itself off, and Bleubeard filled the sandbox.

I love the calendar and Bleubeard says we should print one out so he can meet some people like your dad and I do on the internet. And we want to thank Dad for sending a personal e-mail and Christmas card. How thoughtful, and the tree is gorgeous. Again, Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do for Bleubeard and me, and for this blogging community.

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Hallo Ihr beiden
Vielen, vielen Dank für das nette X-Mas Email. Wir haben uns tierisch darüber gefreut. Der Kalender steht druckbereit auf meinem Computer und wir warten ungeduldig bis der GG (=Göttergatte) aufwacht und wir ihn auf seinem Farbdrucker ausdrucken können :o). Vielen, vielen Dank für Deine Arbeit, Egmont!

Wir wünschen Euch schöne Feiertage und ein spannendes und gesundes 2011!
Take care
Alex und Noah

Oskar said...

How very lovely!

Nubbin wiggles,

Clooney said...

Miss Kitty and Dad Egmont, we too appreciate your friendship. We hope you had a very nice Christmas with your family and we wish you a New Year filled with peace, love, health and prosperity. Your tree was unbelievably beautiful! And the calendar exquisite, those 3 Mancats are superb.

Lexie said...

Thank you too, Miss Kitty for visiting my blog. I appreciate that very much. :) You have wonderful pictures and calenders on here by the way! I love cats, and they are some very nice photos. I wish you a Happy Holidays, and a great New Years!


katzenfreundin said...

Liebe Miss Kitty,

Ich wünsche Euch einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr, alles Liebe und Gute für 2011 und mögen sich alle Eure Wünsche erfüllen.

Liebe Grüße


meowmeowmans said...

Happy New Year, Miss Kitty and Egmont!

Gaby Bee said...

Dear Miss Kitty, wishing you and yours a very Happy Healthy New Year!

Gaby xo

Luzia said...

Liebe Miss Kitty, sag Daddy bitte vielen Dank für diese schönen Geschichten, die er für uns zu den Gewinnerbildern übersetzt hat! Ich bin schon gespannt auf die nächste Runde... Aber nun zu Dir. Wie geht es Dir? Hast Du über Weihnachten auch ein bischen zugenommen, wie ich? Und ging Dir die Silvesterknallerei auch so auf die Nerven wie mir? Ich mag diesen furchtbaren Krach nicht besonders, denn ich muß immer an all die Katzen denken, die dann schreckliche Angst haben. Wie lange bleibt Euer toller Weihnachtsbaum eigentlich stehen? Hier bleibt die Dekoration mindestens bis zum Tag der heiligen drei Könige am 06.01., einem Feiertag in den katholischen Bundesländern. Ich lebe ja in Hessen, wo dies kein Feiertag ist. Aber es ist noch alles sehr verschneit bei uns, so dass ich die schöne Lichterdeko noch ein paar Tage lassen werde. Heute haben die Vögel zum ersten mal wieder gesungen, als wäre Frühling. Ich freue mich schon, wenn wieder mehr Farbe in der Natur zu sehen sein wird, denn wir haben nun seit über 6 Wochen Schnee. Liebe Miss Kitty, bitte sag Deiner Familie ganz liebe Grüße und alles gute für Euch im neuen Jahr! Möge Freude, Gesundheit, Zuversicht und Glück Euer ständiger Begleiter sein. Herzliche Grüße von Luzia.

Teddy Westlife said...

I hope you all had a good Christmas and new year, Miss Kitty!

Vicki said...

Happy New Year Miss Kitty and all!
Prissie says hi!

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Just wanted to let you know our blog got deleted for a spam blog - if you have any advice for us please stop by. we set up a temp blog until ours comes back.

meowmeowmans said...

Hi Miss Kitty and Egmont,

Just stopping by to say hello. :)

We hope things are well with you and your family!

Your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life