The days have been growing much shorter and one needs to search for the few sun puddles that still remain, before the light disappears behind the trees.
Dad always leaves the sliding door a bit open so that I can go out onto the balcony where I can then view the entire backyard for any intruder. It is also the place I feel the safest when dad is busy inside the house and I just want some fresh air.
This afternoon there were only a few scrub jays among the manzanita trees making all kinds of noise, while only a handful of smaller birds came to the bird feeders for their dinner before searching for a spot to sleep for the night.
Whenever a leaf parted from a tree and tumbled towards the ground I became startled, then looking from where the sound came to make sure it was not a cat entering into my territory. Even when there is a sharp gust of wind the tree then bursts into a rustling crescendo that always seems to have me spooked.
Today with our first participation we joined the weekly event of the Society of Feline Gardeners and are looking forward to many more posts as I love joining dad or mum when they are in the garden.
Liebste Miss Kitty, wir erschrecken auch immer sehr durch das Rascheln der Blätter, wollen doch nicht verpassen, wer sich uns da viellicht nähern will... Wie so ein klitzekleines Blatt einen doch erschrecken kann ;-)
Wir senden Dir kuschelige Grüße
Bruno, Nero & catwoman
Hello! Welcome to Jonesie's Society of Feline Gardeners! I love your leaf pic!
Alfie xx
Hallo Kitty
Hey Du siehst echt stylisch aus mit Deinem schönen Fell im Herbstlaub. Bist echt ne ganz Hübsche! Mein Katerchen Noah denkt bei jedem Rascheln der Blätter es könnte ein Frosch unter dem Laub sitzen... oft hat er ja auch recht und springt ihnen dann freudig nach. Er ist halt noch ein junger ungestümer Kerl.
Geniesse die warmen Herbstsonnenstrahlen und schicke Deiner Familie liebe Grüsse von mir
Your daddy is indeed a great photographer! Makes you look so pretty and fine.
Unlike our mom, who takes pictures of our butt, or us asleep ... gosh, just not the very best of US!
We look forward to more good photographs of Ms. Kitty!
Love, Lucky & Co.
We had a very misty start to the day today but we have lovely sunshine now - we welcome it as winter approaches.
Hurray! Welcome to the Society of Feline Gardeners! It's a fun group.
Your balcony sounds lovely. We like to watch the birds too.
Hi Miss Kitty,
Here in Germany the temperatures feel cooler also. I think Autumn may be on it’s way. I love this season. How about you?
After all those hot temperatures this summer who isn’t wanting some crisp Fall temperatures?! Isn't playing in the leaves just the bestest fun? It brings back many memories from my childhood...
I would love invite you to roll in our leaves but unfortunately I live so far away.
Hi Miss Kitty,
We, too, are searching out as many sun puddles as possible as winter makes its approach. It sounds as though you have a very beautiful balcony. We do understand about the leaves and the trees that rustle in the wind making you a bit nervous; our kitties are the same way.
Have a great day with your Dad! :)
Wow ! Very Very Beautiful Picture of you on the Autumn leave : )
Hallo Miss Kitty,
wir bewundern gerade das schöne Foto, dass Egmont von dir gemacht hat. Die Farbe der Blätter passt hervorragend zu den Farben von deinem Fell. Wie man sieht, kommt der Herbst auch ins warme sonnige Kalifornien. Die letzten Tage waren bei uns sehr mild und die Blätter fallen noch etwas zögerlich von den Bäumen. Die jungen Katzen, die im Mai geboren wurden, sind sehr begeistert und jagen die bunten Blätter. Ich wünsche euch noch schöne Herbsttage.
liebe Grüße
Christiane und Ninifee.
Oh Miss Kitty
How absolutely stunning you look nestled amongst the leaves in your fall garden. You have such glorious colors in your furr with such beautiful eyes.
We wish we could visit the outside but Mom will not let us. She went out the front door yesterday and I tried to follow and she nearly had heart failure.
I tried.
You are lucky, Miss Kitty, to have a safe balcony to enjoy a bit of the outdoors - we don't have anything like that and can only look through the windows.
We are in awe of how your colorful furs go with the colorful leaves! Welcome to the Society of Feline Gardeners!
xoxo Jonesie
Founder and President
Society of Feline Gardeners
You blend in with the leaves! Such a lovely time of year. Your book should arrive by Tuesday this week!
Hi Miss Kitty,
Your picture is so lovely of you in the leaves. How nice that you have bird feeders and can watch the birdies. You sound like you're very vigilant, watching for enemy cats. I look forward to seeing and hearing more about your garden.
Miss Kitty, I must check out that link. I'm sure it would be something Bleubeard might like, too. I hope the leaves don't scare you too badly. They will soon be falling rapidly.
I have taken your advice and will create a blog post featuring Bleubeard tomorrow (Oct 11). He actually allowed me to take over 100 photos of him late tonight, but they were all in dim light, so I had to use a flash, which cast a horrible shadow on everything. Hope your weekend was happy and peaceful.
welcome to Gardening. We enjoyed your post and will look forward to reading more about you. Love Darcy and Bingley
Hi Miss Kitty, also ich muß schon sagen, dass Du einfach in jeder Jahreszeit aussiehst wie ein Supermodel:-)) Diesmal entdecke ich etwas wildes in Deinem Blick. Ob das wohl am Rascheln der Blätter lag oder an den dicken Mäusen darunter? Und übrigens kannst Du Deinem Daddy sagen, dass ich den "Stein" vom Ostseestrand natürlich mitgenommen habe. Es handelt sich dabei nämlich um einen Belemniten, der schon ein paar Millionen Jahre alt ist und aus der letzten Eiszeit stammt. Es ist der Stachel eines urzeitlichen Tintenfisches. Ich gehe auch deshalb sehr gerne an die Ostsee, weil ich dort so wunderbar interessante Dinge am Strand finden kann. Meine Liebe, und nun habe ich noch eine Bitte an Dich, wenn Du so lieb bist es Daddy auszurichten?! Ich brauche unbedingt seine Anschrift (Adresse und Name), denn ich habe da eine kleine Überraschung für ihn. Aber mehr kann ich dazu nicht verraten an dieser Stelle:-)) Ich wünsche Euch eine wunderbare Woche und für Dich noch viel mehr schöne Geschenke, die Dich erreichen sollen. Herzliche Grüße von Luzia.
Miss Kitty, you are doing a great job protecting the house from intruders! We can't wait to see more garden posts from you...
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