Yesterday dad was mostly quiet, doing the usual Saturday routine of cleaning the house and working in the garden. Around mid-day he went into the garden to reflect and pray, remembering the events that unfolded nine years ago.
I decided to join him and sit among the freestanding stone structures, since that is where there was shade as we were experiencing above normal temperatures.
Dad shared with me what he was feeling in his heart and how embarrassed he was about the attention a pastor was getting for the proposed burning of the Koran. Dad felt that not only Americans lost their lives that day when two planes dove into the towers and a third crashed into the Pentagon, but also many individuals of other nationalities and religious beliefs.
Those who perished were first fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters who were part of a family before they were Americans or Christians, or of any other nationality or belief. We must begin to embrace all in order to recover and heal our wounds. Yet it also means that we shall not forget the day.
It is indeed very difficult to forgive, but when we do, only then is the burden lifted from our shoulders and doing so reflects a greater emotional maturity then to place ourselves on the same level as our attackers. We need to recapture the spirit of unity that had once bound us together on that day, a day that forever is seared into our lives and in our hearts.
We love your standing stones - what a beautiful and lovely place to lay and rest.
We hope you have a very peaceful day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Excellent post. IMO, religious fantaticism has NOTHING to do with the religion's teachings and everything to do with petty human ego. Frankly, that "pastor" didn't deserve the media attention
And the more we label ourselves as this, that, or the other thing (American, Canadian, Christian, Pagan, white, black, old, young and so on), the more divisions we create within humanity. We can't have peace and understanding and Oneness if we keep creating these divisions.
So we wish you a peaceful Sunday, and sending universal Blessings.
Nice to meet you.
We agree, and think that folks should just learn to get along, accept differences and be happy.
Julie and Poppy Q
Hello Miss Kitty,
We think your Dad expressed our feelings perfectly.
Purring for Peace,
xx Lounge Kats
Hi Miss Kitty,
Your picture is beautiful. I love the dappled sun light and the pretty stones. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 9/11 is a day to always remember. We are so blessed to live in this great country.
I hope you're enjoying your Sunday!
An excellent post, Miss Kitty. People forget that Americans were not the only people victimized on 9-11. xoxo
Miss Kitty
What an elegant picture of you nestled on your peaceful serene deck.
We loved the thoughts that shared and 9-11 was a day of forgiveness and reflection for us as well.
Lovely photo of Miss Kitty. Thanks for the blog tip. We agree with your Dad's thoughts on 9/11.
Miss Kitty, you look gorgeous. The standing stone sculptures are wonderful.
We also agree with your dad's thoughts about 9/11. The proposed Koran burning is shameful, in our opinion.
Sending you many purrs!
Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha
Hi Miss Kitty,
What a lovely photo of you, and what a beautiful post. We totally agree with you Dad's thoughts about 9/11.
Your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
what a wondergully written and beautiful post. and so very true.
kitty is precious! gorgeous!
thank you for commenting on our catblog 'eyes' today. and your comment was a good one. we may just do that :)
as for forgiveness, there is a wonderful video link here: .
regardless of ones beliefs, religion, this video shows a man who has found forgivess and what it means for him. his story, yet very sad, does offer inspiration for those struggling to forgive.
we have joined to follow your bloggy!
obviously i did not spell check my above post :) 'wonderfully' written, was its' intention to be read. :) spell check- why can't it just automatically offer it? lol.
Liebste Kitty, wirklich wunderschön, wie Du da im Licht liegst neben der Steinskulptur! Ein echtes Modell, das sicher schon viele Kater verrückt gemacht hat in ihrem Leben?!
Für mich war der 11.09. einer der schlimmsten Tage meines Lebens, denn ich habe alles aktuell an den Bildschirmen und per Internet in der Firma verfolgt, wo ich damals arbeitete. Mein Mann war damals in der größten deutschen Bank in Frankfurt beschäftigt. Die ganzen Kommunikationsnetzte brachen damals innerhalb kurzer Zeit zusammen und ich konnte ihn nicht erreichen. Ich befürchtete schon, dass vielleicht das Bankenzentrum Deutschlands auch betroffen sein könnte. Die Berichterstattung war auch so chaotisch, dass man glauben konnte, dass ein Krieg kurz bevorsteht. Angst und Entsetzen über die Bilder bestimmten diesen Tag! Ich weis nicht, ob ich "verzeihen" könnte, wenn einer meiner Angehörigen dort zu Tode gekommen wäre. Aber ich weis, dass eine Koranverbrennung und die Folgen, die daraus entstehen können, sicher nichts bringen und niemanden wieder lebendig machen können. Solchen Provokatueren sollte man das Handwerk legen können! Liebe Kitty, Ihr Katzen seid da schon um einiges intelligenter als wir Menschen. Ob Perser, Main Coon oder Siam, ist Euch doch glatt egal, wenn man sich lieb hat:-)) In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Dir und Daddy noch schöne Stunden im sonnigen Garten. Liebste Grüße von Luzia.
Hello Miss Kitty and Dad! So nice to meet you, and thanks for coming by. Please do so any time and I will do the same!
I thought this post was lovely too.
Your Daddy is a very wise man.
I'm really sorry I missed this post. You have such a lovely place to sit and meditate, with both sun and shade, depending on your wishes.
I know exactly how your Daddy felt. I was so saddened that someone would cause so much pain to those who had suffered so terribly already. Not only did Americans die, but persons from over 70 other countries, with varying religions, cultures, and customs also died that day. To burn a holy book, whether a person is religious or not, is like a slap in the face to those who do believe. It is as pathetic as those people who show up at soldiers' funerals and cause trouble, demonstrate, and make those left behind feel even worse. At least that practice was outlawed where Bleubeard and I live in Kansas.
We should also remember that Muslim Americans have suffered more than their fair share, as is. They have become the target of hate, racist slurs, and worse, burned mosques. This man (I refuse to call him a pastor) should be ashamed of himself and his actions. In my eyes, he is not an American, but a hate monger, a religious bigot, and a traitor to his profession. Please tell your daddy I feel his pain.
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