Stories, events and life in general from Miss Kitty's point of view


Oh no it's the weekend!

What is a cat to do?

Though dad is home during the week, he leaves me mostly alone, except for when he is in the garden or just wants to come by my big pillow and rest his head next to mine for a little while.

Yet on the weekend things are very different around the house, as I won't be getting much rest, not until the evening when all the house cleaning, laundry, gardening and other chores are done. Coming to think of it, dad already did the laundry and part of the house cleaning yesterday.

Earlier last night I overheard dad say to mum that he needed to do some grocery shopping for me tomorrow—can't wait o see what he brings home, cuss I'm a fussy eater. I'll let you know how it went.


Kea said...

We hope you get something yummy to eat, and lots of treats. Don't forget the nip! :-)

Raymond and Busby said...

We are having an early weekend, we woke our Mom up at 5am this morning! Hope you get some good treats from the grocery store.

Cat said...

Hi Miss Kitty, hopefully your humans don't get underfoot too much this weekend - LOL! Hopefully your Dad brings you something yummy from the store :-)

Sparkle said...

I'm a fussy eater too, so I know how you feel - I hope he brings home something good!

Katnip Lounge said...

Tuna, salmon, poached chicken...the possibilities are endless. YUM.


cats of wildcat woods said...

We know you will get something very yummy! Have a restful Sunday!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad to see things are going well on your new blog, Miss Kitty. I hope you get lots of good things to eat from the store. Humans can be so thoughtless at times, forcing you to eat the same thing over and over with no variety in your menu at all. At least that's what Bleubeard tells me.

As promised, I want to feature you on my blog. I think Monday would be a good day. I hope Mondays are good days for you, because Bleubeard is always rested on Monday.

I wanted to pass on a blog I featured recently. Each Sunday, Batu Khan, a Birman living in Australia, does a psychic affirmation. Bleubeard and I both enjoy visiting Batu on Sunday and thought you might, too:

Have a great Sunday.

Teddy Westlife said...

I recommend ham. It is a most excellent snack!

Christiane said...

"Fuzzy eaters". Though I suspect what it means I had to ask my english dictionary :-) There are a lot of fuzzy eaters in our catfamily and it is frustrating when you give them the best catfood and they take no notice of it. I hope your Daddy has taken your taste. Wish you all a nice
LG Christiane

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you gave your Dad a detailed list of your favourite foods so that he brought you the right flavours. We are fussy too -we love something big time so mum stocks up and then finds we've decided we like something else best. ha ha !!

lupie said...

Let us know the yummy stuff dad bought for you Ms. Kitty!!!

Meowers from Missouri said...

meYARRR, miss kitty! we hopes you haf a fine time sailin' wif yer furriends t'day.

Annie Bear said...

Hi Miss Kitty,
You look so sweet lying on your side and looking right at the camera. I'm looking forward to hearing what your dad got you to eat. I hope you get some rest during the flurry of the household activities.


Luzia said...

Liebe Kitty, das klingt aber nach einem anstrengenden Wochenende! Dein Blick spricht Bände;-)) Ich hoffe, dass Dein Dad Dir was schönes aus der Stadt mitgebrachthat?! Ich wünsche Euch beiden eine schöne neue Woche. Liebe Grüße von Luzia.


Dear Miss K
WE do hope your Dad brought you home something special over the weekend. From the look you are giving him in your photo I would bring you anything, you do melt my Momma's heart.
